A Sunday Virginia Wine Trifecta

When my husband gets a Sunday off, we like to take full advantage of it and have an adventure. Living in Northern Virginia has its ups and downs. The downs: traffic is dreadful, I-66 is the worst, and the parking enforcement ladies in Clarendon are vultures. The ups: we can buy dinner and our wine…

Evenings on the Deck

We consider our deck a room in our house, and it happens to be one of our favorite rooms.  After living in an apartment with no outdoor space for years, having an outdoor space is a big deal.  We utilize this space all of the time. I grill in the rain, the snow, and the blistering…

A Bottle That’s Worth The Shock

You may or may not know about the historic “Judgement of Paris” wine competition that took place in Paris in 1976. It was there where 9 wines from France and California went head to head in a blind tasting. Shocking a lot of people, mostly the French judges, Chateau Montelena and other California wines won….